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Live Photos

Live Photo is a smart type of photo on iPhone and iPad that records a small video 1.5 seconds before and after you take a photo.

Mathias avatar
Written by Mathias
Updated over a week ago

Onlime can back up your Live Photos so you can view them elsewhere than on your phone.

Live Photo is a type of photo on iPhone and iPad that simultaneously with the photo captures a small video 1.5 seconds before and after you take a photo. This small video is saved as a video file and attached to the image.

How Live Photo works with Onlime

When viewing a Live Photo, Onlime will start displaying the image followed by the small video file.

Live Photo on iPhone or iPad

All your Live Photos on iPhone and iPad will have a small icon in the top right corner of the image.

  1. Open the Live Photo you wish to view.

  2. Touch and hold the image and the image will come alive.

Live Photos on Android

On Android, all your Live Photos will have a small play icon at the top of the screen.

  1. Open the Live Photo you wish to view.

  2. Tap the play icon at the top of the screen and your image will come alive!

Live Photos in internet browsers

When you see your Live Photos in the image timeline on, they will all have a small icon in the top left corner.

  1. Open the Live Photo you wish to view.

  2. Hold the mouse over the icon and your image will come alive!

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