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Shared folders

Shared folders are special folders that you can share with other Onlime users. All content is synced to members of the folder.

Mathias avatar
Written by Mathias
Updated over a week ago

Shared folders are special folders that you can share with other Onlime users.

What are shared folders?

Members of a shared folder will have the contents of the shared folder synced to their Onlime account.

  • All members of a shared folder have full access to the folder and its contents. This means that all members can add, edit and delete.

  • All changes in a shared folder will be automatically synced to all members of the folder.

  • A shared folder can be seen in Synced on as well as in the special folder Onlime Sync when you have installed Onlime on Windows and Mac.

Note: A shared folder must be located in Sync on to be shared with other users.

How to use shared folders

Shared folders are a way for you to synchronize the contents of a folder from you to one or more Onlime users.

  • Select Synced

  • Select a folder you want to share

  • Select Share

  • Enter the e-mail of the person you want to share the folder with. You can enter several e-mails.

  • Click Add Members

The invited persons will now receive an e-mail with a link to accept the shared folder. Once they accept the shared folder, the folder will be synced to their Onlime account.

All changes to the contents of the shared folder (changes in files, renaming, deletion, etc.) will be synchronized to all members of the shared folder. This applies to both changes that are made on and in Onlime Sync.

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